Volunteer Policy

Volunteer Policy

A volunteer is someone who:

"undertakes any activity that involves spending time, unpaid, doing something that aims to benefit the environment or someone (individuals or groups) other than, or in addition to, close relatives".

      The National Council for Voluntary Organisations


Volunteers are vital in helping build strong communities that are socially active and connected. This is reflected in our six-year plan Together for Norfolk, which sets out our ambition to grow Norfolk’s volunteer network. Its success will be measured by an increase in people volunteering in their communities and includes our own organisation.

As we seek to realise our ambition, we will raise the profile of volunteering in Norfolk. We will work together with our partners and businesses to promote the vast range of benefits that volunteering can provide. Below are some examples of how volunteers, organisations and the community can benefit:

1. Individuals

Develop new skill and experience. Enhanced employment opportunities. Improved health and mental wellbeing. A sense of pride and achievement. Personal development and self-confidence. Making a difference. Feeling part of a team and meeting new people.

2. Organisations

Enhance and add value to services and activities, increasing scope to deliver a greater range and reach of services. Increased flexibility and quality of delivery. More diverse and inclusive pool of people -new perspectives. Access to new skills and experience. Connecting people.

3. Community

Builds social networks and community cohesion reducing loneliness and isolation. Improved health and wellbeing. Bigger reach into communities through empowerment and community participation. Increased economic benefit. Volunteers at the forefront of community leadership

Volunteering principles

We will lead by example and have developed the following general principles to guide us in our approach to volunteering:

✓ Create volunteering roles which best support the delivery of NCC’s vision

✓ Provide a range of good quality volunteering opportunities that benefit volunteers and the wider community.

✓ Engage with different sections of the community, promoting diversity and inclusion across our services.

✓ Ensure that volunteers are not used to facilitate a decrease in paid employment.

✓ Actively challenge and address barriers to participation in volunteering

✓ Develop capacity and competence to support volunteer led activity.

✓ Recognise and celebrate the achievements of volunteers


All those involved in the recruitment and management of volunteers will:

✓ Treat volunteers with dignity and respect and in line with the principles outlined in NCC’s equality, diversity and inclusion policy.

✓ Ensure volunteers understand what is expected of them and that they are supported during their time with NCC through induction, training, regular feedback and supervision.

✓ Recognise the needs of volunteers and support volunteers to meet those needs

✓ Provide a safe work environment.

✓ Ensure volunteering roles are accessible to people for whom costs would be a barrier

✓ Seek to resolve any issues promptly and fairly via the complaints process

✓ Handle personal information in accordance with Data Protection Legislation

✓ Carry out relevant due diligence in relation to recruitment and safeguarding

✓ Ensure volunteers have access to any policies and news information that affects them.

Norfolk County Council will:

✓ Maintain public liability insurance that covers volunteers whilst carrying out the duties of the volunteering role.

✓ Investigate any complaints or concerns raised by volunteers in line with NCC policy

✓ Equip managers with the tools, information and framework needed to provide a positive and effective volunteering experience