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Share our collections online










Norfolk Museums Service holds over three million objects within its varied collections ranging from Natural History, Social History, World Collections and Archaeology to Contemporary Art and Regimental History. Many of the collections are of national and international importance.

Help us share this wonderful resource and help us engage with audiences who might not otherwise be able to visit our museums.

What's involved?

By visiting Norfolk Museums Collections, you can find out more about the wonderful collections we look after across all 10 of our museums.  You can find out when they were made, where they came from and what they are made of, as well as the story behind some of the objects.

You can use our online collections to search for items, themes, dates and locations. It’s a useful resource for studying or just exploring our collections from the comfort of your own home!

Helping us to spread the word about this resource will help our collections become more accessible to all.

Why get involved?

At NMS our aim is to make our museums and collections as accessible as possible. We understand that not everyone can access our sites but don’t want this to stop anyone from being able to enjoy our collections.

Using and sharing our online collections will help:

  • Share our wonderful collections with new audiences
  • Help those who cannot access our sites to access our collections
  • Help promote our collections through digital platforms and raise awareness
  • Increase the numbers of people using and viewing our resources

How to get involved?

  • Sign up or Log in
  • Visit Norfolk Museums Collections and browse some of our objects
  • Find something interesting and share it.
  • Use #NorfolkMuseumsCollections so we can track your volunteer work
  • Tell people and community groups about our resource who you think might benefit!
  • Don't forget to check back in to your volunteer account to confirm you have completed the challenge

Ideal Skills

  • Research
  • Social Media
  • Working independently
  • Working with Databases

Ideal Interests

  • Computers and Technology
  • Curatorial/Working with Museum Collection

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