About us

About us

Our story

Norfolk Museums Service (NMS) was established in 1974 when Norfolk’s County and District councils agreed to delegate their authority for museums to a Joint Museums Committee and create a countywide museums service.

NMS is made up of 10 museum sites across Norfolk:

The service also operates the Norwich Castle Study Centre, and a collections centre based at Gressenhall.


  • Inspiring pride in Norfolk’s heritage through 10 award-winning museums


  • Engaging and inspiring the widest possible audience, both across Norfolk and beyond
  • Enriching people’s lives and creating a sense of place and identity
  • Ensuring all Norfolk residents, especially children, experience high-quality learning in the museums we care for and through the collections in our trust
  • Contributing significantly to the visitor economy of Norfolk and contributing to the development of sustainable tourism partnerships
  • Developing our staff and volunteers to improve services and support wider employment and skills agendas
  • Collecting, preserving, and interpreting the material evidence of Norfolk’s past
  • Stimulating creativity, inspiration and enjoyment through the museums and collections in our care


  • We are committed to caring for Norfolk’s rich heritage, both for future generations and for our communities and visitors today
  • We are passionate about learning and fostering skills and knowledge amongst Norfolk’s children
  • We provide leadership to other museums across Norfolk and the East of England, along with support to other cultural, educational and heritage organisations
  • We value and invest in our staff, trainees and volunteers so that they can deliver an outstanding service to our communities and to our visitors
  • We are accountable and credible in the work we do, and we are open to challenge and advice
  • We are dedicated to the long-term care of the collections and historic buildings in our trust
  • We will work in partnership to achieve our mission and we will ensure that we are a trustworthy and dedicated partner to others
  • We will operate in a highly sustainable way, minimising our impact on the environment
  • We will encourage innovation and commercial awareness across all parts of our organisation